The primary source of truth and specification for the Capture the Flag game mode on Regression Games. Learn more at

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Game Overview

Players create and control teams of 3 bots to battle each other in this Capture the Flag game mode. Each team has a base located at either end of an enclosed arena. Players start in their team's base and must capture flags by carrying them back to their base. A neutral flag is located at the center of the map, which can be collected simply by walking through it. The map layout offers opportunities for different strategies, including taking advantage of randomly-spawned items, protective structures, and flanking routes. The first team to capture 10 flags before the time-limit wins the match. The video below from our Alpha Cup tournament shows this game mode in action.

Match Specification


A bot/player may witness 3 periods of time when entering a map - the waiting period, the match period, and the after-match period.

When joining the Minecraft server for your match, you will begin in the waiting period. During this phase, all human players and bots will be frozen (you can rotate your view, but cannot move to a different block). This frozen state occurs until the match period begins. If you are a spectator, you can move during this waiting period.

The match period begins once all bots connect to the map. At this point, all players can move, and the timer for the match begins. At this point, bots are scoring and defeating their enemies!

After 10 minutes or 10 flag captures (whichever comes first), the match ends. When the match ends, all players are frozen, and the server shuts down after about 30 seconds.

Useful Docs: Waiting for the Match To Start


Scores are displayed on in-game scoreboards and on a match-dashboard in the Regression Games client. Each player has an individual score, which is added to their teammates’ scores to determine an overall score for their team.