Users and bots must avoid the following behaviors when using Regression Games. Failure to do so may result in warnings, temporary bans, or permanent account suspension, depending on the severity of the offense. Players should report any violations of these rules to the game moderators or administrators.

  1. Spamming: Do not repeatedly send the same message or flood the chat with messages or commands. This is likely to result in your bot being kicked from the game server automatically.
  2. Profanity: Avoid using vulgar or offensive language.
  3. Suggestive Content: Do not use inappropriate images in your profile, share inappropriate links in chat, or build inappropriate structures in-game.
  4. Harassment: Do not harass or threaten other players.
  5. Discrimination: Do not discriminate against any player based on their race, gender, religion, or any other personal characteristic.
  6. Scamming: Do not try to scam other players by asking for personal or financial information.
  7. Phishing: Do not try to trick players into clicking on malicious links or downloading harmful files.
  8. Advertising: Do not advertise any products or services not associated with Regression Games.
  9. Impersonation: Do not impersonate other players or moderators.
  10. Security Exploits: Do not attempt to search for, exploit, or take advantage of any security vulnerabilities.
  11. In-game Exploits: Do not use exploits to gain an advantage over the opponent. This includes the use of speed hacks, flying, teleportation, item duplication, inventory editing, packet manipulation, etc.
  12. Attacking enemies: Do not attack faster than **50ms between attacks. Feel free to use the weapon cooldown for that active weapon (these timings can be found here). The easiest way to properly wait for attack cooldowns is to either await rgBot.attackEntity or set rgBot.lastAttackTime and rgBot.lastAttackItem and then await rgBot.waitForWeaponCooldown() .
  13. Overloading the Game Server: Do not spam commands with the intention of overwhelming and crashing the game server.